Friday, December 4, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020


In these times we need to focus on what we want to create AND take action.

That is why I invite you to communicate, collabarate, take action and be productive.

Don't waste your time. Start your business.

Be creative. #CreateMovement

Remember the other day I was talking about useless technologies, after writing that post, the next day, I noticed the news titled Microsoft files patent to record and score meetings on body language.


To us ordinary folks, the PURPOSE of this invention and the interest of Microsoft in it is unclear. However, we watched enough movies and can guess. 

It doesn't matter what facial expression an employee had, what matters is what did that person produce. What did he produce? 

Calls made, exchange made ( product with money),  guests received, calls answered, things printed, things filed etc etc. 

Microsoft files patent to record and score meetings on body language

Article dated Nov 30, 2020

Anyways, there was also a contradicting news from Microsoft. But I realized this was a post from 2 years ago.

Facial Recognition: It's time for action. Microsoft on the Issues

Blog post dated Dec 6, 2018 

Posting them so you can see. I don't have the exact answers, just like you I can guess. 

Anyway, focus on what you need to do to improve your life, how you can be better. 


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Future Has Arrived!

But the future was here just a second ago too.

Anyway, this song is still inspiring to me.

I wanted to share. 

And I want to mention that future arrives with every other movement in the universe. Constant creation, right?

Whether you will be in frequent creation or slow creation in the following days, months or years, there are some things that are worth creating and worth creating fast!

Your dreams. 

Wouldn't you agree?

If you don't do it, you will be subject to other's creations.

If you have been thinking of creating your own business, I encourage you to start. 

You can do it! ( said with an accent : )


As Humanity we focused on technology for some years now. Since the early 1900's we have been interested and allowing this side of life to grow.

       Image by Alexandre Debieve from

It is fine that we do that but it is not balanced when we keep ignoring the spiritual side of life. 

After all it is the spiritual side that brings about the technology.
If you don't understand what I mean, then you need to study spirituality.

       Image by Harry Cunningham from Unsplash

When we ignore that we are spiritual beings , don't talk about it, don't read about it in the news ( they'll never tell you), or in a spiritual book, don't make time to go to church, we forget all about it.

Yet we get so excited when the new inventions starts being sold in the markets.
Omg, new app that can count my heartbeat or how many hours I sleep!! Don't you know how many hours you sleep anyway? Some of the inventions are unnecessary, some are important like planes, cell phones, internet. 
The thing is, when we are only embracing  technology and being obsessed with it, we are giving up control. You are not controlling, you let a machine control. Well you'd better figure out what you will do when the machines do everything for you...imagine that.

Anyways, forgetting that you are a spiritual being and focusing solely on technology is like being a kid chasing a balloon without paying any attention to his surroundings and about to fall off a cliff.
Hope his parent is watching him. Right? So he can have his balloon as well as his LIFE!

SO it is time to start being obsessed with what you are and what you are capable of creating. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

DON'T BE a Plastic Bag

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again?.....
This is a song sang by Katy Perry

Do you feel like that sometines where you know you are not controlling your life but the overall life is controlling yours? Meaning the life you want to create doesn't even exist! Only in your imagination and only sometimes?
If that's the case , here is the solution which I am sure you heard about. Write your goals down! 

I practiced this back in 2014...and wrote a post about it...I can tell from my own experience that writing my goals down opened up opportunities to work on towards my goals. Writing goals down keeps you focused on what is important to you and what you want to achieve at your current awareness level. It allows you to create the space you need where you will have your own game ( your goal). 
If you have your own space and your own game, then you wouldn't relate to being a plastic bag. What plastic bag!? Right 😊

I personally wrote my goals in 2014, later didn't , later did and later didn't ...on and off. Only because I thought I wasn't able to work on some of my goals at that point and I was focused on working on my other goal which I was writing down about. I now realize that I actually was working on all of my goals. They were meshed. I wasn't aware of it.  Sometimes it is a bit subtle and hard to detect how the pieces fit together. Like when a guy becomes successful and loses it all. How losing is working on his goals??? Well sometimes it is! Why did that happen? So he can teach people how to be successful AND not to lose it all. Because maybe he wanted to teach all that. Misfortunes at the time they happen don't look like they are part of the experience we want to have. And I don't know that all the misfortuntes have a teaching value. Some of them are plain misfortunes, I think. Life. 
So write your goals down if you want to play your own game. 

 It's ideal that you continue to write your goals everyday. Perhaps you know that several individuals from the past who were successful and took the time to teach people how to be successful advised that you write your goals down. Don't worry about how you are going to bring them about and just write.

Monday, November 9, 2020



This WORLD has been created with imaginations and dreams of people of the past, that includes us and we are still creating it. If it is progressed it's because people dreamed to have improved communication, improved ways to get things done, improved ways to go places. If you don't actively imagine how the world will be, like the Wright Brothers did or the guy who invented the car did or Martin Luther King did, guess what? "Sombody else"s will create the world for you. Where do we get our perception of the World? From spoken and written things. Where do we get them? Mainly "much credited" news outlets. They create. Those guys mean business and they work steadily at it. Do we have a positive perception of the world or more troubled view? See the positive perception is created in your imagination because you want the good life, where you and the others succeed, air is cleaner, grass and trees are growing, plenty adventurous places to go etc. The negative view come from the outside. Don't let those views overrun your dreams for yourself and others. Beware when you are watching/reading news. Create your own news in your head! Write them down. Share with people.
PS: Dream in this post used to mean to actively create a future event, location and situation.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

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