Showing posts with label CONSUMER MIND. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONSUMER MIND. Show all posts

Monday, July 6, 2015


If you are bored , not feeling good, eating and watching you know why.

It comes from the fact that you are not living up to your standards. And that is the state of                    "I know I can do better".  That's all.  Nothing is wrong with you.

 I've been through that myself!  I was having personal problems, had no friends....what did I do? After work, I sat in front of the very small tv I had, and ate a bunch of ice-cream and sunflower seeds in shells (I cracked hundreds of sunflower seed shells  : )

I thought I was feeling that way because I didn't have friends. I was being stupid.

Now I know for sure that, it was because I lacked actions!

I  wasn't aware  that I could have learned and done things.  All these production areas I mention on this blog, ART making, CARD making, FURNITURE making, this making and that making!!!           I could have done them! I had pleeenty of time and nothing to do.  I could have learned them from an offered class or workshop. If I had done that , I would have even met people who have similar interests. It was like I was blinded,  otherwise why would I not known about what I needed.
I needed action!

I thought I was lacking a girlfriend to go out shopping with ( or coffee shops) and a boyfriend to be in love with. : ) Hehe  consumer mind and not so proactive thinking.

So if you are stopped, figure out what you love doing and learn that then produce in that area.  This is my suggestion to you.

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