Showing posts with label CHANGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHANGE. Show all posts

Monday, July 6, 2015


If you are a young person, high school age or beyond, DO NOT waste your time. You are not making a living yet but this is the time when you gather all the survival skills.

What do 16-17-18 year old youngsters do nowadays?  How about adults? What do they do when they get together? Chat, watch a movie, drink beer, eat, talk about sports, barbecue, talk about can do these kind of get together(s) sometimes BUT these SHOULDN'T BE the
ONLY things to do when you have free time alone or otherwise.

You have a backyard, an extra room or a clean, spacious garage, instead of doing these idle things, organize an event where your friends can come and learn a skill by participating.   Find people who are interested, doesn't even have to be relatives and friends. Arrange a space and give them lectures / presentations or workshops on important topics or a product.

 If it's a workshop, either you be the instructor (by learning from someone else first), or invite some instructor who KNOWS.

Create times to create changes in your society and empower others.

I say if people are close enough to get together to share food, drink, words, they surely can share a bucket, a wheelbarrow and pieces of wood, or canvas, paint and brushes...It's fun to learn a new skill.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


HEY guys! All of you within the U.S. or in other countries.  I hope you are getting motivated to start your business, imagine and create solutions for problems (in your life or otherwise).

The subjects I talk about here  (the business ideas)  whether it's pottery, woodwork, tile work, writing, soap making, card making, travel journalism, on and on...I am interested in all these creations myself!

I couldn't possibly do all these by myself, that's where you come in....: ) Chuckle.
You start producing, making money, being independent, I'll be happy for you and for me.
It's not like producing things myself, but close enough, I'll be your motivational person for success. : )

Having said that,  I realized the necessity of having examples for the points I make.
Otherwise it's a "One woman show" : ) I talk you listen, you might not believe in the things I am talking about. So I've got to prove them to you, right.

Change: I am letting you know that I will be interviewing small business owners or people that change conditions in their sphere, that are being successful, that had/have challenges, and they are continuously overcoming those.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Steve Jobs says the following in an interview. If you have Netflix, watch it, motivational.

When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is,and your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls too much,try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money..

That's a very limited life, life can be much broader.
Once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it.

You can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again.

Steve Jobs

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Are you aware that there are a lot of people in this world that try to help YOU.
Yes you!

Total strangers. By sharing their information on line. Have you seen the videos on You Tube, all the blogs....yes the value of information shared is different from video to video, blog to blog, web site to web site.

Nevertheless, people share what they know to the best of their abilities and knowledge.

This is a good thing. It helps us organize our lives in a bigger scale (as the world) and it is not mandatory.

It reminds me of the song from Meet The Robinson's soundtrack. The Future Has Arrived by Danny Elfman.

It's time to create
Time to grow

If you're feeling right
The world
Yeah she's changing
And life's rearranging

Don't it make you feel alive?

The world, yeah she's changing, AND LIFE'S REARRANGING.  It is true and BEAUTIFUL.

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