Showing posts with label CREATIVITY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CREATIVITY. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Per the definition, photography is- the ART or PRACTICE of taking and processing photographs.

Now, you are aware that people don't process photographs the way they used to.

I believe even the photographers nowadays use software to adjust and make the photos more beautiful and interesting.  

You can start, you don't need a lot of money.

A camera, software and desire.

Notice the definition says art OR practice of taking photos.

"PRACTICE of taking photos".

Keep taking photos. You can share them on many online platforms, get paid some. 

To produce photos don't cost you any thing beyond your tools (once you have them). The worst can happen is you don't like a photo, so what, just erase it from the memory card.

Practice your skills, figure out how to adjust light and learn about your camera's functions.

Again use social media to introduce your business, that means you need to come up with a business name.

So and so photography.

I would have never thought I would need images of  a tree, or an apple, or someone studying etc.
I do! I do buy most of the photos that I use on this blog. 

They call them stockphotos.

Many websites buy and use these pictures. 

(stock photography) are professional photographs of common places, landmarks, nature, events or people that are bought and sold on a royalty-free basis and can be used and reused for commercial design purposes.

Obviously you can arrange photo sessions with individuals and groups as well.

Remember , you are as professional as you want to be. 

Professionalism has something to do with the LEVEL OF CARE you are willing to give to your practice.
Here is what Ashley Baxter, a photographer from UK, says about starting her photography business;

Ashley Baxter photo

"I didn’t intend to exchange my photography services for money. It just started happening. From modest beginnings, where I was slipped a £20 note at a gig I thought I had shot just for fun, to a steady stream of bookings from clients big and small, all of which I have landed without marketing myself as a professional photographer."


Hear what Mindy Sue says about starting her photography career... 

Mindy Sue Photography

"This is a story of how I started my photography business out of my closet. To begin,  we were really poor.  Crazy poor.  My husband worked full time - half of which was an unpaid internship - and was going to school full time getting his Ph.D. and writing his dissertation.  He was never home.  We had three wonderful babies ages 6, 5 and 2.  Our house was a two bedroom, seven hundred square feet apartment...."
Read more on 


Happy productions!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Hey, I wanted you to watch this short documentary, it is 13 minutes.

Just so you have some connection to people, ordinary people, in the street of (in this case) Paris.

I am pretty sure, these kind of interviews (I find quite creative by the way) aren't on tv channels, usually.

It is fun and gets you out of your usual settings.

50 people 1 question Paris

Question is what makes you happy.

I would like to distinguish answers in two categories. Long term, short term.
Sunshine, a cup of coffee, seeing a bird, having a gift, giving a gift, sex, food....these are short term happiness'. They don't last long.

However, your job, things that you create and do  (such as training for the Olympics)  are long term happiness'. There were only a few people in the interview mentioned creative things.

Pay more attention to the long term actions , especially the creative ones. They are the ones that bring you more pleasure. 

Try to work at a job that you love, ideally. Then you can do what you love (hobby), many hours.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Rashmi Rao, handmade paper/

I am sure, not many of you thought of making paper.

You could make it into a business, if you wanted. Low cost start-up.

Here is a link of the web site. There are videos you can watch.

Here  is another tutorial link (non-video).

When you make paper, you have the chance to recycle paper , a good thing.

 Or you can use barks/leaves/grasses you gather from outside to make your paper.

Also, you get to be artistic and creative by adding flowers, grass, leaves, color, sparkle and other elements.

Here is a book , 300 Papermaking Recipes.

Local Community Colleges sometimes offer Papermaking courses. Check yours.

Handmade paper is used or drawing (on) , painting, printmaking, calligraphy, scrapbooking, mixed media, card making etc.

Remember, if you like the subject, you can start, you acquire  skill and knowledge.  After that, if you still like or love making papers,  you can decide if you want to do it full time and be big in the field or not.

I can tell you though, the world needs your pretty papers. Get to production.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We, as people, get under the systems so automatically that creativity loses its place.

Systems can be traditions, the school systems, the way we go through life, the way we produce things, the way we handle things....

Let's take traditions, we are all born into societies with traditions. Instead of judging a tradition and deciding if it is something we want to keep or throw it out the window, many of us just follow. This is my observation. In fact I don't remember meeting a person who chose not to follow certain customs because it didn't make sense. Of course there are some people who judge and decide for themselves. But I am not so sure if they are the majority of the people in the world.
Example: bachelor/bachelorette parties involving sex, striptease or sexual gifts....what's the point?
If a person wants to have sex before getting married, there is a chance that they don't understand and accept the concept of marriage.  Normally, the subject of sex stays between a husband and wife (a tradition worth keeping). It's ironic to give sexual gifts to the person who is getting married during bachelor/bachelorette party,  because in most cases the couple is already living together. Or they are not virgins. Even if they were virgins, what's the point of teasing or joking?

 Example of a good tradition: People assigning a day to share their thanks, Thanksgiving Day.   However, even the good traditions that you would like to keep CAN be modified.
"Well, Thanksgiving, has a good purpose....we'll get together and eat and talk....hmmm.. what could I add to it, to make it better and more worthwhile for us?"

School systems....what do I want my kids to learn? What's important....What kind of school should there be? How can I create that kind of school?  What kinds of schools out there? Usually parents think "Schooling?",  " Yes, you have to go to school" (tradition). Because they themselves were told that.

1- A person has to go to school , so do my kids.
2- I'll send my kids to the school in the neighborhood (or better school if I can afford) is pretty much the whole thought processes.

But you see, when only the above 2 steps happen, there is not much input or creation on the subject of schooling. You leave it to the created systems for the most part.

The way we go through life, that's another system....  our beliefs are , "I can't do what I like to do, no one wants it and I need special permits to produce" etc.).  It is like being in the passenger seat, instead of the driver, for your life. These are not self-created beliefs systems somehow give the message of  "no, you can't create, you shouldn't be independent, no you can't have it, no you can't think otherwise" to individuals.

So unless you are aware and able to see the patterns in life, your sufferings and limiting beliefs upon yourself are real, and they are the consequences of following the systems.

 The way we produce things...look at the homes we build, most are square, rectangle....even the most modern architecture/home design magazines have the same thing, except bigger windows...we live in boxes literally..most of the houses in the world have small windows. It's like when you can afford, you give yourself the freedom to have a better view by having  bigger windows. Actually it's not.I don't think having bigger windows increases the cost of the building. I think it has more to do with expressing that you would like to have bigger windows to the designer of the house. Most people buy houses that are already designed.

Why can't people just borrow the money from the banks and design the homes themselves?
Have you seen some of the houses people themselves created? Beautiful, creative, unique spaces to live in.

The first time I've seen a circular house design concept was when I watched the "Future by Design".  This very creative guy with the name of Jacque Fresco (Venus Project)...very interesting. Now I know there are some houses that are circular or have unique designs out in the world, but they are definitely not majority.

Solar is a solution that is not being used much...lots of houses are being designed without solar panels, even the expensive houses. Why?

How about the system of food. I am sure you heard about the "ingredients" factories use to make "food". I've heard this in a documentary (how things are made) that they put "resin" in candies, they use " Propylene glycol" to make fake blueberries. Fake blueberries are used in muffins, cereals etc. Now Propylene glycol is also used to make antifreeze. Antifreeze is used in engines, heating and cooling systems etc. 

The more you give responsibility to other sources, the more you will be dependent to their decisions.

How about people who study journalism and are journalists? How are they producing? Are they asking themselves a crucial question...."well, by finding and bringing constant negative and not-so-positive news, how am I impacting life? "  Is my "valuable" product really valuable? Am I making life better or worse? Why do I want to be a journalist? Is the current system allows me to be the journalist I want to be?

So we ideally consider methods, systems, ways of doing , ways of handling things before we adapt and use them.

You are the judge of your own life. Be creative and cause the environment you want to be in.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Any subject you are really interested but definitely need some information/skill to get started, check out Take

Awesome system.

You learn from skilled, professional individuals. Beats the system. System of going to school for it (whatever it is) for years.

I took 4 violin lessons, my husband took 4 guitar lessons. We need to take more of course. But again, only 2 hrs (each lesson is half hour) and I learned some music.

The point is, lessons are short, designed to give you the gist of the subject, you can space your lessons so you have plenty of time to practice what you learned, so you can understand the next thing.You have control.

I took my lessons from a young lady who was very nice. SHE had a masters degree in music. The point is, she had been playing with the instruments (violin/piano) for a long time. And she extracted some of her knowledge and transferred it to me : ) My lessons were $40 for half hour. Worth it! They actually worth more if you ask me. But I was happy to afford it at the time.

Anyway, there are PLENTY of subjects you can learn , be better at, by taking lessons. It is kind of independent studying, no strings attached.

Some of their lessons are; Performing Arts (film acting, voice acting, improv, screenwriting, choir, Beauty and Fashion classes ( hair cutting, coloring, make up, fashion design) , Languages, variety of Software , hobbies and crafts (floral arrangement, woodworking, needlework, stained glass), Academic Lessons (if you have the interest), Visual Arts, Sports and Fitness. Almost anything and everything!

Happy learnings!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Working together.

It is like a secret resource in our lives.

When we get together with friends, we eat and dream about the things we want to have, or things we want to do.

Most people aren't even aware they can co-produce things.

That is why I want you to consider your friends, people you know, or people you don't know ( but could get to know).

Think if they could help your creations in any way that you could use.  It may be a skill , time or space..

Maybe you have a friend who is great at drawing and you are interested in pottery.

Well, if you made the pottery, maybe she could paint it. In that way, the finished product can be better, more appealing, streamlined and easier to sell.

Do you see that?

Let me give more examples.

Maybe you and some of your friends are interested in making jokes. Well, why don't you get together and write a sit-com! I've seen this on special features of Everybody Loves Raymond (loved the show), where a team of people get together and write the episodes. They have food, so it's a fun environment BUT they get paid for it at the end because they are creating a product, you see.

Maybe you draw great clothing on paper and you have a friend who is great at sewing.

Maybe you and your buddies love the same kind of sport. How about creating a team? Becoming instructors and having students. If you love it, watch it so much, chances are, you know it. ; )

Maybe you are great at knitting, but don't know how to market it. How about a friend who loves social media. Collaborate.

Maybe you have a passion about growing organic vegetables and selling and your friend is the one with the land and he is not even using it. Ask if you can use it (respecting his rules). Then share your profit at the end..

In the example I gave you above (Everybody Loves Raymond),  the team of writers are motivated to do the job because they will get paid, they have deadlines. Other than that they only use a table , chairs, a room to sit in , some food/drinks (optional). They are mainly using their imaginations, experiences.

So you can give yourself deadlines,  PRETEND that there is a lot of money at stake (because there actually IS, you just haven't imagined it yet).

How about people who want to be actors. Create your own shows. Waiting for Hollywood to choose you is like the very little employers (in number), and big unemployment situations. I explained in my earlier post USE WHAT YOU GOT.

If you got other people interested in acting, get together, write, perform. Share tasks, one handles the low budget second hand costumes, the other creates, prints and sells the tickets in the neighborhood, the another arranges the venue. You don't have to have your play at a 1000 capacity space at the beginning. How about setting up show in someone's home?!  Think of it like the tupperware party. Except there is no tupperware but a play!!
Pretty soon the neighborhood will know your activity, then the town, then you can rent your bigger is like you are at the bottom of a whirlpool, you can always go up by increasing your activity.

I'll tell you how to create a low cost stage which my husband put together for our kids.

Get out of the box. No more I can't, they didn't hire me, I don't have the money etc. etc.

Use getting together with friends as times of creation, instead of speculating about future and worse , gossiping (if you are doing that).

Before I go, make sure that whoever you are collaborating with  understands and agrees with his/her role in your plans, understands clearly how you will be sharing the income resulting from the creation. And make sure you are working with reliable individuals

Happy creations!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Writing is another activity you can do. If you were a full time writer, it would be too little of an activity in your life. Ideally you write and do other things. 

Whether others believe you are good and professional is absolutely beside the point. 

Doesn't matter. 

Ignore the critiques. Remember to millions of readers, punctuations and grammar aren't important. The point is, you communicate and they understand,  and ideally like what you are communicating.

Grant Cardone, my friend, says "everybody should be writing a book".  I totally agree.

Put your thoughts, emotions and what you experienced in life, on paper (or in word document : ). It will be categorized as an autobiography.

 Don't worry who will be interested. There are a lot of people out there reading a lot of books. Your story might be ordinary, but still interesting, especially to the people who live in different countries.

You could be the cause for cultural exchange, how about that.

Go interview a person you admire, for his achievements. It could be a local person or not. A biography.

If you are interested in creating situations and personalities, go ahead, make it into a novel.

Or write it in the form of a movie script (more detailed), if you like.

As long as you are interested in the activity, giving your best to it and producing a book, you are a WINNER, no matter what.

You took the time to create. Remember some creation is better than no creation.

At the very least, you can self-publish it ( some online companies, print and mail your book ONLY if there is a buyer. So you just refer people to your link). 

You can tell people about your book on free social media sites. 
You can put your link on every possible web site (legitimately), basically self-marketing.
You could do small budget advertising perhaps online or local newspapers.

You could still send your book to the publishers, if they like it, you are a winner again.

If your product is a movie script, find the related people in the movie industry and send. Who cares. They are the ones in desperate need for good product.

Just because you didn't go to school for writing or never considered it for yourself, doesn't mean your IMAGINATION is limited.

Your imagination is yours, make use of it. You have the right to imagine and create.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Today I want to talk to you about an online organization that enables individuals (or groups) to fundraise for their projects. Whether it is a unique business idea or something you have been trying to achieve for a while but couldn't because you didn't have the money, Kickstarter is the arena where you can ask for donations. 

If you can get enough people to donate and meet your financial target, you can promise people your product. I read a couple of stories where a few friends were trying to invent a game (a card game), and another couple of individuals were trying to buy expensive knitting machine for their organic cotton t-shirt project. These people succeeded. Of course when they achieved their goals and started producing income, they mailed a game or a t-shirt to each person who supported the project. You see how that would be?

For people who donate (they are called backers- they got your back!),  it is like buying the product ahead of time (if you donated $5-$10). I imagine, it means a lot to the project starter when they succeed.

Here is another example I saw today. Meet Carolina Hoyos , she says "My first solo album is almost ready for the world. Help me finish it and make my Dad proud."  Her Kickstarter page (not sure why it has the com.- but trust me , it is the kickstarter page)   

Kickstarter have categories like;

 The page says

Kickstarter is a vibrant community of people working together to bring new things to life.

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