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In this world, you are happy when you can succeed,
When you can understand,
When you can have what you want
When you can be what you want to be
When you can create whatever you can create
When you can feel,
When you can do
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Hey, I wanted you to watch this short documentary, it is 13 minutes.
Just so you have some connection to people, ordinary people, in the street of (in this case) Paris.
I am pretty sure, these kind of interviews (I find quite creative by the way) aren't on tv channels, usually.
It is fun and gets you out of your usual settings.
50 people 1 question Paris
Question is what makes you happy.
I would like to distinguish answers in two categories. Long term, short term.
Sunshine, a cup of coffee, seeing a bird, having a gift, giving a gift, sex, food....these are short term happiness'. They don't last long.
However, your job, things that you create and do (such as training for the Olympics) are long term happiness'. There were only a few people in the interview mentioned creative things.
Pay more attention to the long term actions , especially the creative ones. They are the ones that bring you more pleasure.
Try to work at a job that you love, ideally. Then you can do what you love (hobby), many hours.
Try to add a little speed and attention to your daily tasks.
If you do this, you will increase the number of tasks you do that day.
My guess is, you will be happier when you get more done within the day.